Today I have the privilege of interviewing a new
author, Patience Prence, the author of SCARS: An Amazing End-Times Prophecy Novel.
LaTawnia: “Patience, first, I would like to know a little bit about yourself that I
can share with my readers. Don't forget your family.”
Patience: “I was born and
raised in Southern California. (I experienced a few earthquakes!) I met my husband at a Christian singles retreat at Arrowhead
Springs Resort where author Josh McDowell was speaking. A few years ago my husband and I moved to Northern California. I have
one son who is married and lives in Florida.
“I love the outdoors and was active in snow skiing, water skiing, kayaking, and I played softball until about
ten years ago when I was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome. At the time I didn’t know I was legally blind, I thought my
vision was normal. I fell into holes and tripped over things so everyone just thought I was clumsy. I remember while playing
softball, I hit the ball outfield and ran to first base and headed towards second but I couldn’t find the base. I was
frantically running in circles asking, “Where’s the base? I can’t find the base….” The second
base girl kept pointing down, “It’s there! It’s there!” I finally made it safe but I was so embarrassed.
“Since I am limited to the things I can do, my husband
bought us a tandem bike so now we enjoy riding down the American River Trail.
“I also like making videos for YouTube about the Bible and end-times. I have found this to be a great witnessing
tool and a way to make new friends. After viewing one of my videos a young man commented and asked how to know if his name
was in the “Lambs Book of Life.” This was a wonderful opportunity to share scripture with him. He just recently
got baptized!”
LaTawnia: That is so awesome how you met your husband and that you still remain active despite
your limitations. What a testimony to keep going when things get tough. And how wonderful that was about the young man. I
love how God uses even YouTube to bring people to Himself.
My next questions is “Who is your target audience? And why?”
Patience: “I believe we are living in the last days and that
the coming antichrist beast of Revelation thirteen will be soon be unveiled. In my research I have learned that the New Age
movement is looking forward to revealing an entity called Maitreya.
“I wanted to write a book exposing the coming deception they will use to trick people into believing Maitreya
is the Christ. At first I wanted to write a non-fiction book but the Lord put it in my heart to write a fiction because it
would reach a larger group including teenagers. So I guess the target audience is teen and over.”
LaTawnia: “What is Usher
Syndrome and how you can see to write a book?”
Patience: “Usher syndrome is an inherited disease that causes serious hearing loss
and Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), an eye disorder that causes your vision to worsen over time. I am hard of hearing (I read lips),
and I have what you call “tunnel vision” I have no peripheral vision. When I type on the computer I am able to
see a small area of the screen and the fonts are magnified to help me see. RP also causes night blindness; I cannot see in
the dark and it’s very difficult to see on cloudy days or in dark places.”
LaTawnia: “How has having
Usher Syndrome impacted your walk with God and your writing?”
Patience: “It has helped me to trust and be more dependent on him.
I think of the blind man who
Jesus healed. His disciples asked Him who sinned, the man or his parents, that he was born blind. Jesus answered, 'Neither
this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be manifest in him" (John 9:2-3).
“Because of this disability, it allows me to stay home and do what I love doing and that is to research and
write. Through the writing of Scars I feel the Lord has used me to get his message out, that Jesus is the Christ and not to
be deceived in the last days. Although having Usher Syndrome is frustrating and I have to depend on others, I have come to
realize that if one person’s soul is saved by reading Scars it is well worth it.”
LaTawnia: “How did you
come up with the Title SCARS?”
Patience: “When I was a little girl in church, I remember the teacher telling us that when we went to Heaven
and met Jesus, he would show us his scars from when he was crucified on the cross. This has always stuck with me.
When I was thinking of a title,
I wanted it to be about Jesus, that if people forgot everything about the story, I wanted them to at least remember that Jesus
had scars and not to be deceived by anyone claiming to be Jesus. I believe the reason Jesus did not reprimand Thomas for wanting
proof of his scars was because his scars testified that he was the truly risen Christ. Jesus warned in Matthew 24 to, “Take
heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many, (Matt. 24:4-5).”
So Patience, are you working
on another novel now?
“No, not at this time. I want to focus on promoting Scars for a year then if the Lord puts it in my heart,
I want to write that non-fiction with all the information I compiled for the writing of Scars.”
What is the most important message
you would like to get out to your readers?
“That Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ. He has fulfilled over 333 Bible prophecies concerning his birth, death
and resurrection. Not to be deceived by others claiming to be the Christ. Jesus made it very clear that he is coming back
in the sky, “Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret
chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming
of the Son of man be, (Matt. 24:26-27).
“I would like to encourage people to be strong in their faith even if they face death. The Bible says not
to fear them that can kill your body, but to rather fear God who is able to destroy your body and soul in hell. (Matt. 10:28).
“I pray for all to have the strength and courage as Becky did.”
Thank you Patience for taking
the time to do this interview with me. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. I am praying the Lord will bless you with
another book that will have just as much impact as this one, if not more. Perhaps it will be the non-fiction one you mentioned
Be sure to know I will be keeping you in my prayers and I am sure everyone else will also be praying
for you. And I stand in agreement with you that we all will have the strength and courage as Becky.
If you would like to know more
about Patience Prence you can go to her website at
If you would like to buy a copy
of this great book, you can do so at or
Scars is also available in Kindle,
for those of you who have Kindle readers. Just go to and download your copy!